Binge Compulsive Eating:
Like people with bulimia, you experience a feeling of being out of control while eating usually large amounts of food in a short space of time. This is done more rapidly than normal when not hungry and or past the point of fullness. You eat in secret because you may feel embarrassed and guilty about overeating. You have tried everything but nothing seems to work for you and food becomes your constant thoughts. This impacts on you leaving you physically and mentally exhausted with lack of energy, low mood, diabetes or poor thyroid function.
Treatment focuses on exploring what in the past lead to this development and altering your perception around the relationship you have with food. Looking at your motivation to change discover why this motivation has slipped in the past and work to prevent that in the future. Nutritional support to overcome compulsive eating and help with weight loss. Treatment also focuses on the emotional component that keeps you stuck, addressing the thoughts, behaviours and concerns you have around food. It helps with self-worth, your inner critic and body image issues. The next step for you to understand more about binge and compulsive eating and to affect change is to Book an Assessment.