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Aspen Counselling
Aspen Counselling Family Life Centres in Offaly (Tullamore) support Couples, Families, Individuals, Teenagers and Children in accessing appropriate counselling & psychotherapy in order to find ways of managing and dealing with aspects of life that may have become difficult or complex. Counselling & psychotherapy has become widely accepted as a way of supporting people in overcoming a wide range of personal problems or concerns the most common being: Depression, Anxiety, Bereavement, Life Crisis and Traumas, Low Self-esteem, Relationship Difficulties, Work-related Stress, Addiction and Self-defeating Behaviours.
Counselling can be helpful to assist individuals, couples and families in overcoming difficulties and find new ways of enhancing their own lives.
We also facilitate reduced rates depending on individual circumstances

Anxiety - Stress
Anxiety is a normal human response in times of worry, danger or stress.
Childhood Trauma
Each of us has experiences from childhood that influence us in how we do things in the present.
Depression is both common and complex with many different causes, and presents itself in many different ways.
LGBT Support
LGBT Counselling for Issues unique to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Counselling.
Mindfulness is the practice of ‘being fully present in the moment’.
Couples & relationship counselling can provide an opportunity for change and growth within the relationship.
Suicide Awareness
Suicide is a serious issue that many people prefer not to discuss.
Eating Disorders
The term ‘Eating Disorder’ refers to a range of complex conditions.
Binge Eating
you experience a feeling of being out of control while eating usually large amounts of food.
Obesity Treatment
You have unsuccessfully tried many diets and failed to lose weight.
Weight Management
You have unsuccessfully tried many diets and failed to lose weight.
Addiction can have long lasting negative effects on individuals and their families.
Anxiety - Stress
Anxiety is a normal human response in times of worry, danger or stress.
In our work, We regularly meet people, both young and old, who are near breaking point due to bullying.
Childhood Trauma
Each of us has experiences from childhood that influence us in how we do things in the present.
Depression is both common and complex with many different causes, and presents itself in many different ways.
Eating Disorders
The term ‘Eating Disorder’ refers to a range of complex conditions.
LGBT Support
LGBT Counselling for Issues unique to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Counselling.
Suicide Awareness
Suicide is a serious issue that many people prefer not to discuss.
Mindfulness is the practice of ‘being fully present in the moment’.
Couples & relationship counselling can provide an opportunity for change and growth within the relationship.